Platinum Supporters:
Gold Supporters:
Bronze Supporters:
Levels of support per year:
PLATINUM - Bespoke Package or Project with Creative Wick : £10k+
GOLD - Corporate, Developer, HEIs : support to the value of £5k
SILVER - Large third sector & established SMEs e.g. 20+ people : support to the value of £2.5k
BRONZE - Small third sector & SME e.g. 2-20 people : £250
FRIEND - Individual, Freelancer, Resident : £60 (equates to £5 per month)
We would also like to thank all the mentors, participants,
local residents and friends who help to make it all happen.
We are always looking to continue expanding our reach with existing projects or launch new initiatives.
If you would like to become a supporter please drop us a line at